Image of Mae, a white person with blood streaming down their face, pooling underneath their chin. Behind them is a person attaching rope to the zip ties in their back and suspended them from above.
Image of Mae, a white person with a blonde mullet and braids bent over 70 degrees with zip ties and rope attached to the needle in their back, suspending them from above.
Image of the scene's aftermath with Mae kneeling on the ground surrounded by fresh blood spots and a blood filled chalice.
Image of blood filled chalice with bloody rope and bloody pads nearby.

(Im)Mobility Appendage II

Performed on January 21 2023 from 11:00pm-12:00AM in Brooklyn, NY

Image Credit: Bri Knapp

Image of Mae with three needles in their forehead next to a pair of gloved hands with a fourth needle ready to pierce them. Both subjects are bathed in a red light. The hard point for Mae's back suspension hangs above their head.